Happy New Year from Fatstick!

How was your year? We had an awesome time!

For 12 months the Fatstick team helped spread the stand up paddle boarding stoke near and far. We travelled the length and breath of the country - in the case of FS head honch Reuben we even managed a French sojourn - all in the name of spreading the Fatstick SUP message. And to top off an awesome year we added a unique and original stand up paddle board to the already extensive Fatstick range. (If you haven't seen the SUPSkate then check it out here - www.supdirect.co.uk/fatstick-shop/4584165157/supskate/10334116).

10646658_878897395551642_8746094299870030951_nSo as the curtain closes on 2015 we're excited at the prospect of another awesome 12 months. We've got lots planned and will no doubt see many of you out and about this year. In the meantime don't forget to keep an eye on Fatstick channels for all the info and goss. Oh, and be sure to hit up the FS shop for our New Year sale where we're offering any size SUP with a free paddle and leash - www.supdirect.co.uk/fatstick-shop/4584165156/JAN-SALE-ITEMS

As always, if you've got any questions then fee free to hit us up - www.supdirect.co.uk/contact-us/4572621339

Have an awesome 2016 and we'll see you on the water!



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