Is A Carbon Paddle Important

The Paddle - Does It Make A Difference
In short - yes.
To try to find a different way to explain what part that paddle has to play in paddle boarding, imagine having a stunning pair of new running trainers/tennis racket/golf clubs - but you still only have your hoodie and fleece joggers to run in, cheap tennis balls or driving range golf balls - you will still be able to run, play tennis or golf, but the experience won't be as good and the performance will be impacted.
Your paddle is your power and propulsion. With a heavy paddle, a paddle with an oversized blade or a paddle that's the wrong height, you are open to injuries. Damage to shoulders and lower backs come from poor technique AND poor equipment.
What Should I look For In A Paddle

Your paddle - if buying carbon fibre - should be lightweight, have a blade that is no wider than 17.5cm and if buying from a brand, have an explanation of how and what the paddle blade shape does for you as a paddler.
Every one of our Pure Art boards comes with a carbon fibre wrapped paddle, but the blade is PU or polyurethane. This is to allow families and beginners to make mistakes and allow the paddle to take punishment without breaking. The down side is that it's a little weighty.
With a lighter paddle you can power through your paddle and paddle for longer.