Fatstick hit Watergate National SUP Champs

Team Fatstick missioned it to Cornwall this weekend for the BSUPA National SUP Championships. A chance to score some surf, give Fatstick young gun Drew a taste of the UK comp scene and soak up some general Kernow ambience, it was a cracking few days in the South West and we're already missing it. Big shouts to Russ Lees, Nick Kingston and Drew for making it a banger. Hopefully more waves soon!

If you haven't checked out the Fatstick range of surf SUPs then hit up our shop and get involved - www.supdirect.co.uk/fatstick-shop/4584165157/fatstick-fish-wave-sup-8'6/7870540

(And don't forget we also produce a stunning range of surfboards optimised for typical UK conditions -  www.supdirect.co.uk/fatstick-shop/4584165156/Surfboards)

Team Fatstick Cornwall

Team Fatstick 2

Team Fatstick 3


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