How To Pump Up Your Inflatable Paddle Board (ISUP)

So you got your FatStick Isup, you have opened the box, the sun is shining and you have the day off work! What next? BLOW IT UP.
Here at FatStick we love to help, check the steps below or watch our "How To" Video.
Board Inflation
- Remove dust cap covering valve (it may already be off; it’s on the end of the string).
- Turn the internal “nipple” of the valve anti-clockwise to close it before you inflate your sup.
- Connect the hose to the pump.
- Connect the other end of hose to the board by pushing and twisting the end of the hose (baronet fitting) clockwise firmly.
- Pump up the board using the pump to min 15psi or max 22psi; the gauge on top of pump indicates the pressure. The higher the pressure, the better performance of the board.
- When the desired pressure is achieved remove the hose by turning the end of the hose (baronet fitting) anti-clockwise quickly.
- Replace the dust cover situated on the string by pushing and twisting into place.
Board Deflation
- Remove dust cap by twisting anti-clockwise.
- Push and twist the small internal nipple clockwise to open the valve; Air will rush out.
- Remove fins and roll up the board from the nose end of the board down to the tail.