More Than Just Boards

Over the years FatStick has become a true outdoor brand. We still love our boards, but we want you to enjoy the whole experience!

Robes to keep you warm and dry, paddle boards to have fun on the watereven ice baths to help with your recovery or aid mental health.


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Whether it's a day at the beach, swimming in a local river or just being outside with the family, we have everything you need. 

This year has seen the addition of the FatStick Beach Tent.

This little wonder is great for those that love the outdoors but don't like to constantly be in the sun. If you have littles ones with you, you know how important it is to give them breaks from the sun, especially at midday whilst the sun is at its strongest.

The FatStick Beach Tent is simple to use. Assemble the poles, fill the large pockets at the end of the legs with sand or shingle and 'hey presto' - you've got shade!

It's also fully endorsed by the FatStick Bossman who always has his with him!👇

Follow this link if you'd like to grab yourself the coolest beach tent out there!🤙

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